Sunday, April 5, 2009

Europe loves him.... should we worry?

The BBC played "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" while describing the President's G20 meetings this week. I hope they were being facetious in comparing him to Jesus. Besides the obvious policy differences, Jesus was humble, meek, yet authoritative. Obama, on the other hand, seems to revel in the spotlight, delivering soaring prepared speeches, yet stammers and stumbles while answering direct questions sans teleprompter. The Euros venerate this man while he apologizes for America, and that is fine. My hope is that no real foreign policy crisis comes during this Administration, because sophist rhetoric is no substitute for conviction and strength of will. While it may be that Obama will conduct passable foreign policy, the seeds have been sown for a weaker U.S. in embracing the notion of allowing international law to trump the Constitution in many areas. Our founding documents are America's greatest gift to the world, not things to be apologized for or undermined. I pray that the President remembers that he took an oath to defend the Constitution.

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