Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Tale Of Two Scoundrels

We have come to accept such low standards in our politicians that recent disclosures have made hardly a ripple in the news. Republican Senator John Ensign, Nevada, admitted to an affair with a married staffer, yet there is no talk of him stepping down. I know what he admitted to is not illegal, but it is highly offensive given his positions regarding marriage and faith. Democrat Senator Dick Durbin, Illinois, sold $100,000 worth of stock one day after a closed door meeting with Federal Reserve and Treasury officials. Martha Stewart can tell you that is insider trading and lands you in jail. Durbin doesn't see anything wrong with his actions.... is anybody home at the SEC? Every two years, We the People get to fire all the bums in the House, and fire one third of the bums in the Senate, yet voter turnout on our most important day of responsibility to the Republic averages 37%! That means that 63% of eligible voters are so happy with the status quo that they can't be bothered to spend a few minutes helping reform our government. We only have ourselves to blame.

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