Thursday, March 19, 2009

Enter The Dragon

AIG former Chairman Hank Greenberg has found little traction in implicating Goldman Sachs as the main culprit in the current bailout mess. My hope is that David Boies, Greenberg's chief counsel will be able to illuminate the profound power that GS holds in the Administration. Secretary Geithner, former Secretary Paulson, current AIG CEO Libby all have ties to the investment bank that recieved $20 billion plus from the Fed bailout of AIG. The President recieved $100,000 in campaign contributions from AIG. Secretary Geithner directed Senator Chris Dodd to amend the "stimulus" bill to allow $165 million in AIG bonuses. Is this all starting to stink? I respect David Boies as an attorney and hope that he can give the American people a clear sense of the chicanery that has overwhelmed the very center of our government. Stay tuned....

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