Monday, March 9, 2009

Et tu, Buffett?

First, Rick Santelli gets taken to the White House woodshed for calling for a "Chicago Tea Party" to protest the mortgage bailout. Next, ardent Obama supporter Jim Cramer of CNBC gets thrown under the Obama campaign bus for daring to question the Administration's economic policy. Today, Warren Buffett (another loyal Obama supporter) portrays the economy as having "fallen off a cliff." While White House press secretary Gibbs held back from blasting the Oracle of Omaha directly, one wonders how long the White House will brook discension from their greatest show pony of campaign props. I predict that soon Buffett will be cast alongside all those other "Wall Street CEOs that disappear in their private jets" if he doesn't get with the program and support every jot and tittle of the Obama/Pelosi agenda. This current regime is beginning to resemble the Nixon White House at its most paranoid.... and we are only 7 weeks in!

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